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This self-paced course will help you hone your skills in MS Excel

Microsoft Excel

This MS Excel course will help you acquire a comprehensive understanding of MS Excel as a tool and explore its numerous features and functions like sort, filter, import, etc. You will be able to make use of MS Excel for the tracking and management of data-driven projects, which is essential in the IT industry.

Skill-Based Online SEO Training

Our Microsoft Excel Foundation training course gives you the most comprehensive insight into the most widely used spreadsheet, MS Excel. This course would help you learn Excel workbook, tables, cells, creating dashboard, interactive components, charting, filtering, sorting, PIVOT Table and data processing with real-world data sets. 

Microsoft Excel skills you will learn

Data Sorting

Data Filtering

Chart Creation

Various Techniques of Charting

Pivot Tables in Excel

Data Logical Functions

IF condition

Data Analysis


Course Curriculum Skillum

Introduction to Excel spreadsheet, learning to enter data, filling of series and custom fill list, editing and deleting fields.

Learning about relative and absolute referencing, the concept of relative formulae, the issues in relative formulae, creating of absolute and mixed references and various other formulae.


Creating names range, using names in new formulae, working with the name box, selecting range, names from a selection, pasting names in formulae, selecting names and working with Name Manager.

Various logical functions in Excel, the If function for calculating values and displaying text, nested If functions, VLookUp and IFError functions.

Learning about conditional formatting, the options for formatting cells, various operations with icon sets, data bars and color scales, creating and modifying Sparklines.

Introduction to dynamic table in Excel, data conversion, table conversion, tables for charts and VLOOKUP.

Sorting in Excel, various types of sorting including, alphabetical, numerical, row, multiple column, working with paste special, hyperlinking and using subtotal.

Understanding data quality issues in Excel, linking of data, consolidating and merging data, working with dashboards for Excel Pivot Tables.

The concept of data filtering, understanding compound filter and its creation, removing of filter, using custom filter and multiple value filters, working with wildcards.

Creation of Charts in Excel, performing operations in embedded chart, modifying, resizing, and dragging of chart.


Introduction to the various types of charting techniques, creating titles for charts, axes, learning about data labels, displaying data tables, modifying axes, displaying gridlines and inserting trendlines, textbox insertion in a chart, creating a 2-axis chart, creating combination chart.

The concept of Pivot tables in Excel, report filtering, shell creation, working with Pivot for calculations, formatting of reports, dynamic range assigning, the slicers and creating of slicers


Data and file security in Excel, protecting row, column, and cell, the different safeguarding techniques

Learning about VBA macros in Excel, executing macros in Excel, the macro shortcuts, applications, the concept of relative reference in macros.

Learning how the If condition works and knowing how to apply it in various scenarios, working with multiple Ifs in Macro


Learning to create Dashboards, the various rules to follow while creating Dashboards, creation of dynamic dashboards, knowing what is data layout, introduction to thermometer chart and its creation, how to use alerts in the Dashboard setup.

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“It’s time for you to future-proof your career!”

“We know that we are influencing the foundations of your future, and we take this responsibility very seriously. With Skillum , I ensure that you always get top-class training backed by practical projects and future prospects. Wishing you a successful & future-proof career!”

Duration : 2 Months

Skill level: Intermediate

Discount Fee

Rs 1,0000